Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to create a pigg avatar?

Its mochii here:)
Don't forget to add me on pigg if you created one. ID: iwuvpanda

Step 1:

Go to

Step 2:

Click the circle

 Step 3:

  1. Register (EX: You can use: Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, Yopmail..etc.
  2.  Click submit.



Step 4:

  1.  Go check mail

     Step 5:

    1.  Click the Link or copy and paste it to new tab.

     Step 6:


    1.  Create ID (This CANNOT be change after register)
    2.  Create Password & Confirm Password (This CAN be change after register)
    3.  Create the name of your choice!:)
    4. Choose your gender (Boy or Girl)
    5. Put the date of your birth
    6. Click Submit!


     Step 7:

    1. Write exactly the same number for the Security check
    2. Then click submit!
    3. Step 5: Click Green button!


    Step 8:


  1. Choose boy or girl, then click it.

     Step 9: 

    1.  You can choose from random avatars to be your main avatars OR you can click no thanks

      Step 10: (only if you click "No thanks", if you choose a random can skip this step) XD


    1. Click on the faces to make your OWN avatar.
    2. You can change your avatar clothes if you click on the shirt. :D
    3. Then click next.

     Step 11: 

    1. Choose a room
    2. Then click next


    Step 12:

    1. Check the box
    2. Then click next
     ALMOST DONE!!! :D

    Last Step/ Step 13:

    Click that and then the Pigg's helper with help you with the rest of the tutor!!!

    I hope this helped you :'D And thank you very much for visiting my blog :33

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