Saturday, May 10, 2014


Ameba Pigg Link
ID: iwuvpanda
feel free to add me!


About pigg:

Pigg Slots : 


  • These are where you go and play
*You can get items if you play slot challenge*

Casino Challenge(s)

  • These are slots challenge(s)
For example:

If you finish this challenge, you get those items showing on the photo

Slots Items

<-Like this one.
If you're a Boy you get boy clothing & Girls gets girl's clothing :)

Nice huh? Well thats not all!

  • This shows your c$, you can use it for items. Just go to this place:

How do you get c$???
Well you get it by playing slot:
  1. Is where you play.
  2. That's how much you win.
  3. How much you bet.
  4. Total credits.

You can get stones and/or perfume by buying them with your OWN cg, OR
You can GIFT them. (giftable)

Click that guy --------------------------------->
And that's where they are:)

Pigg Fishing: 

NOTE: Fishing challenge is almost like slot. Only it's fishing. :) SO I won't spend that much time telling you guys about it.

There are many more fishing places. But some fishing places you have to unlock it to get in.
RED: That's where the fishing challenge is held.

Each fishing challenge have 5-6 days. After that it will be gone. So hurry up and do those challenges! XDD

  • Click the book & you get to the fishing book.
  • Fish(s) that you caught.
  • The 2nd page of fishing book.
  • Your fishing points & fishing tickets.
  • The fishing place where you are

  • Your pigg character name & Books of different fishing places.
  • Fishing level